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CONTENTSFOREWORD3DECARBONIZATIONCLIMATE LOBBYING POSITIONSOF VOLKSWAGEN GROUP3OPERATIONAL FRAMEWORK,METHODOLOGICAL CONCEPTAND SELECTION CRITERIA94ASSOCIATION REVIEWSEDITORIAL NOTE AND DISCLAIMER5In the following,the terms "Volkswagen,""Volkswagen Group,""theSUMMARY AND OUTLOOKCompany"and "the Group"are used to refer to the entire VolkswagenGroup.If in individual instances,statementsare made that refer only toVolkswagen AG or to a specific other Group company or brand,this is notedas such in the relevant context.CONTACT INFORMATION19Where possible,quotes of non-English-language position statementswere taken from translations provided by the association itself.Whereno English translation was provided by the association,a translation wasprepared internally;these have been indicated accordinglyAt the brands of the Volkswagen Group,work on all types and modelsnever ceases,so please allow for the fact that changes in design,equipmentand technical specifications may be made at any time.Consequently,thedata and descriptions in this Review Report cannot give rise to claims ofany kind.NAVIGATION>References to Volkswagen websites2