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2023 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank 1818 H Street NW,Washington,DC 20433Telephone:202-473 1000Internet:www.worldbank.orgThis work is a joint product of the staff of the five custodian agencies,namely the World Bank,the International Energy Agency,theInternational Renewable Energy Agency,the United Nations,and the World Health Organization,with external contributions.The findings,interpretations,and conclusions expressed in this work do not necessarily reflect the views of the custodian agencies,their respective Boardof Executive Directors(or equivalent),members or the governments they represent.The collaborating organizations do not guarantee the accuracy,completeness,or currency of the data included in this work and does notassume responsibility for any emrors,omissions,or discrepancies in the information,or liability with respect to the use of or failureto use theinformation,methods,processes,or conclusions set forth.The boundaries,colors,denominations,and other information shown on any mapin this work do notimply any judgment on the part of the custodian agencies concerning the legal status of or sovereignty over any territoryor the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries.Nothing herein shall constitute or be construed or considered to be a limitation upon or waiver of the privileges and immunities of thecollaborating organizations,all of which are specifically reserved.BYNCRights and PermissionsThiswork isavailableunder the CreativeCommonsAttribution--NonCommercial3.0IGOlicense(CCBY-NC3.0 IGO)https://creativecommonsorg/licenses/by-nc/3.0/igo/.Under the Creative Commons--NonCommercial license,you are free to copy,distribute,and adaptthis work,fornoncommercial purposes only,under the following conditions:Attribution-Please cite the work as follows:IEA,IRENA,UNSD,World Bank,WHO.2023.Tracking SDG 7:The Energy Progress Report.WorldBank,Washington DC.World Bank.License:Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 IGO (CC BY-NC 3.0 IGO).Noncommercial-You may not use this work for commercial purposes.Translations-lf you create a translation of this work,please add the following disclaimer along with the attribution:This is an unofficialtranslation of the work from the English language.The translation was not created by IEA IRENA UNSD,World Bank or WHO,and IEA IRENA,UNSD,World Bankor WHO shall not be liable for any content or error in this translation.Adaptations-f you create an adaptation of this work,please add the following disclaimer along with the attribution:This is an adaptationof an original work by IEA,IRENA,UNSD,World Bank and WHO.Views and opinions expressed in the adaptation are the sole responsibility ofthe author or authors of the adaptation and are not endorsed by IEA,IRENA,UNSD,World Bank and WHOThird-party content-The World Bank does not necessarily own each component of the content contained within the work.The World Banktherefore does not warrantthatthe use of any third party-owned individual component or part contained in the work will not infringe on therights ofthose third parties.The risk of claims resulting from such infringementrests solely with you.If you wish to re-use a component ofthework,itis your responsibility to determine whether pemission is needed for that re-use and to obtain permission from the copyright owner.Examples of components can include,but are not limited to,chapters,tables,figures,or imagesAny queries on rights and licenses,including subsidiary rights,except as indicated below,should be addressed to World Bank Publications,The World Bank Group,1818 H Street NW,Washington,DC 20433,USA;fax:202-522-2625;e-mail:pubrights@worldbank.org.Use of the following chapters in the report other than as permitted under the CC BY-NC 3.0 IGO license requires permission fromeach of the relevant copyright owners other than the World Bank:Executive Summary-IEA,IRENA,UN,World Bank and WHO,2023.Contact pubrights@worldbank.org for permission to use it.Access to electricity-World Bank,2023.Contact pubrights@worldbank.org for permission to use itAccess to clean fuels and technologies for cooking-WHO,2023.Contact permissions@who.int for permission to use it.Renewable Energy-IEA,IRENA and UN,2023.Contact Rights@iea.org;publications@irena.org and permissions@un.org for permissionto use it.Energy Efficiency-IEA and UN,2023.Contact Rights@iea.org and permissions@un.org for permission to use it.International Public Financial Flows-IRENA,2023.Contact publications@irena.org for permission to use itOutlook for SDG 7-IEAand IRENA,2023.Contact Rights@iea.org and publications@irena.org for permission to use it.Tracking SDG7 progress across targets:indicators and data-EA,IRENA,UN,World Bank and WHO,2023.Contact pubrights@worldbankorg for permission to use it.Report designed by:Duina ReyesCover photo:Getty Images/Me 3645 Studio