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ADDRESSABLE TVBECOMING MAINSTREAMHOW ITOut of the pandemic,Addressable TV emerged as the fastest growthchannel as addressable TV homes grew from 10 million to 22 millionPANNEDHH's.OUT IN 2022The growth was primarily because of 3 factors:90%TVs sold were smart TVs.Increased in broadband connectionsContent explosion on OTT and increased daily usage and MAUsFIFA viewership touching 11-12Mn on CTV was an eye opener on adoptionof CTV viewership.We saw the emergence of FAST channels-Samsung Ads and The Q.Addressable TV offered clients the opportunity to complement Linear TVplans with reducing spill over,incremental reach reaching nicheaudiencesIt was also effectively used for store launches and other hyperlocaltargeting like point of interest and audience data from ACR devices andgeo data partners.At groupM we launched our geo-grid data platform FCAP,to target CTVads on specific geo-keys fused with census,bureau,geo-spatial andpoint of interest data.We have over 70 clients using.Addressable TV consumption has proliferated the TV landscape at scalespecially in NCCS A and AB;we now have Chord Switchers,ChordgroupmShavers and Chord Nevers as the new audience cohorts on TV.