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GNest Renew1Unprecedented Challenges for an Aging GridOur nation's electric grid is facing unprecedented challenges,with many states across theU.S.increasingly at risk for more frequent power outages.A variety of factors including risingelectricity usage and extreme weather events have increased stress on the grid,oftenresulting in outages and higher costs for residents.2 The impact of these challenges can bestaggering,both financially and for the health and wellbeing of residents.The United StatesGovernment Accountability Office recently published findings that the total annual cost ofutility outages are upwards of $55 billion and that this number,if unchecked,could rise to$480 billion per year by 2080.3The Growth and Potential of the Smart HomeThere is a simple and effective way to help mitigate these costs.Using today's smart,connected,technologies,our homes,offices,and buildings have the potential to work inharmony with the electrical grid to automatically conserve,shift demand,and deploy powerhow and where it's needed-helping us maximize our existing infrastructure capability andmaking the grid more reliable and resilient.Connected technologies and appliances (both inhomes and attached to the grid)that enable us to more precisely,cheaply and effectivelyadjust and shift the demand,supply,and small-scale electricity generation technologies areknown as distributed energy resources(DERs).Smart thermostats,electric vehicles(EVs)andEV chargers,rooftop solar,and battery storage are all examples of DERs that can be found inmillions of homes across the United States today.4OCTOBER 2022SUPPORTING A CLEAN ENERGY FUTURE WITH NEST RENEW