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But one generation trumps them all when it comes to both digitalGen Z and technology:fluency and dependency:Gen Z-the generation born between 1996The first generation to be digital-first.and 2015.This generation has never known a world without theInternet,and in many ways,they're at the leading edge of shaping itsfuture.Gen Z was born into a world that was already online,where thefoundation of today's digital ecosystem was already visible.As such,this generation sees the web as the starting line,it's an intrinsic part oftheir everyday lives.Given this omnipresent role of connectedtechnology,Gen Z's expectations for the digital world far exceed thoseof any generation that has come before them.Who is Gen Z?Today,Gen Z accounts for 40%of global consumers,andThroughout history,generations have been defined by the advent ofas members of this generation graduate from university,join thetechnology.From the transistor and the personal computer to theworkforce,and increasingly realise their colossal buying power,theyInternet and the iPhone,innovation and invention have served asare changing the way we all identify with and are influenced by thedriving forces that inform generational identity.Internet and the larger digital world.In today's rapidly evolving digital world,that identity is apparent in theOrganisations of every size and across every industry should take note,way different generations use the Internet,the way they value itsand seek to understand how they can engage with these fast-moving,importance,and the overall role digital experiences play in their lives.digital-sawy trailblazers.This report,which examines the way Gen Z,asFor example,a Baby Boomer born in the 1950s will experience thewell as other generations,engage and interact online,aims to aid inInternet and the wider digital world differently than a Millennial born inthat understanding and provide insight into the types of digitalthe 1980s-they have different levels of familiarity with the web,andexperiences demanded by online audiences today.it's played a vastly different role in each of their Iives.