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INTRODUCTIONProspective students are critical consumers,and the factors that influence their choice inpostsecondary educat ion are growing more diverse.They continue to seek flexible scheduling.digital coursework options,and shorter degrees or certificates in addition to a traditional four-year,on-campus experience.Facing economic uncertainty and concerns about job prospectsafter graduation,students expect value in their education and a strong return on investment.These needs,though im portant,come at a challenging time for higher education institutions.With nearly a million fewer studentsin college than before the COVID-19 pandemic,leaders aretasked with filling class rosters as potential students consider a range of competing options andinterests.This comes after nearly three years of remote and hybrid learning,which hasacclimated high school students to learning from a distance.Consequently.the pandemic has also exacerbated critical gaps in preparation.Many potentialstudents believe they aren't prepared for the rigors of postsecondary academics or thedemands of independent living.which could leave colleges and universities scrambling tohelp first-year students establish a foundation for long-term success.In July 2022.Hanover Research surveyed more than 1,000 high school sophomores andjuniors,ages 16 to 19.from across the United States who are at least slightly likely to enroll inan undergraduate or non-degree program at a higher education institution upon completionof high school.The survey examines the factors that are important to prospective studentswhen considering where to apply and enroll.The findings provide insights on their preferredacademic paths,geographic preferences,means of communication,and moreHigher education leaders must understand the changing needs,learning preferences,andconcerns of potential students.Keeping these factors top of mind.colleges and universities"Many potential studentscan begin an effective conversation that could ultimately lead to enrollmentbelieve they aren'tprepared for the rigorsIs your organization prepared to predict and respond toof postsecondarychanging student expectations?academics or the demandsDownload 5 Higher Ed Trends to Watch in theof independent living2022-23 Academic Year to find out.2